Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Preventing Excessive Shedding

My Pekingese sheds, in abundance. If your dog too has a shedding problem, you well-know that is can become a hassle vacuuming and brushing clumps of hair that seems to be, well, everywhere. I have discovered methods that prove very effective for controlling dog shedding. These methods are non-irritating and completely natural methods for shedding prevention.

Deshedding Brushes - There are a variety of great brushes for shedding on the market that work wonders for ridding your dog of the excess hair that lingers on the surface and undercoat. I brush my Pekingese everyday, sometimes twice with a slicker brush or a deshedding comb to remove the excess hair in the thick undercoat. Regular brushing and Grooming effectively and gently eliminates much of the shedding. For medium to long haired dogs a Comfort Tip Brush works most effectively for dogs with silky, woolly, or curly coats and those with sensitive skin.

High-Quality Diet - Feeding your dog a superior, high quality protein diet greatly affects the condition and appearance of the coat. High quality proteins that are found in natural diets are most recommended since many of the nutrients are lost during the production process of low quality dry dog foods. Click Here For A Complete Dog Food and Nutrition Guide

Omega 3/Fish Oil - My vet recommended that I start a Omega 3/Fish oil supplement such as Grizzly Salmon Oil  that she assured would decrease a large portion of the shedding with my Pekingese. Shortly after beginning the regimen, I was amazed that indeed her coat was shinier and softer in addition to the drastic decrease in scratching and shedding. Omega 3 is available in liquid or capsule. I use the liquid in the pump bottle due to the ease of use, simply adding to her food.

Bathing Your Dog - Use a gentle, natural herbal or oatmeal shampoo such as Pal Dog Organic Puppy Shampoo System Set or Earthbath Tea Tree Oil & Aloe Vera Shampoo that provides for gentle, effective cleansing while conditioning your dog's skin. Low-grade shampoos may actually be increasing shedding by drying out your dog's skin and coat, increasing itching, thus shedding as well.